
30 May 2005

the power of the image

I have decided to post some pictures. For my birthday I got over 600 digital photos favourites from over the course of the past year. I'm sure many of them will make their way onto here eventually. For now--and as much for my viewing pleasure as yours--I'll put up some that evoke just the right memories for this mood. I figure that it might be nice to have them up here in cyberspace, for easy access when i'm across the ocean from loved ones. sooo:

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This is my old room in Burlington.

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and a peek at my present one in London

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An aerial of my cottage in Meaford, with 22 years of memories intact!

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Compass Rose in September. Photo credit: Dave Picard

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A late-night photoshoot in Talbot Theatre (also by Dave Picard)

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My lovely female housemates, all of whom I miss dearly. Right now...(from left) Maia is working at a daycamp in Etobicoke, Gill is working as a research assistant in Vancouver, Kristina just got back from a whirlwind trip to Hungary and is relaxing in her European-esque castle in Toronto, while Jennie is working at a river rafting company in Wales before doing a 37-day tour of Europe with her sister.

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This is the Danforth Music Hall, where Brian & I saw The Arcade Fire show in April. Go here to see great pics of the performance and a little writeup on the show. Let me mention that the music hall was the absolute ideal venue for the show. We arrived a little late, expecting to squeeze our way into a general admission,standing room only setting. When we arrived, however. The audience was seated in the old theatre...everyone was silent or whispering excitedly to their companions and the room was illuminated only by an overhead projector on the stage and some vintage chandeliers above us. It smelled like popcorn and springtime. What a cool and ethereal experience!

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Our hotel room view in Montreal

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The smoking lounge in Thursday's underground nightclub in Montreal.

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Rue St. Catherine a nuit (durante la notte)

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My French companion

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Gibbons park in the springtime

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Secret staircase in Owen Sound

More stories and visuals to come. Check back, because I promise I will update regularly!


mr. tomas ubik said...


you have the most elegant blog on the block....and that secret staircase is oooohhhhh likey, me linkey....when do you save africa...have you left yet?

mr. tomas ubik said...

p.s. your mom is soooo cool, has if she has a photo blog with some really amazing photos on it...CURRWOW

invitationinside said...

dallas i love you and can't wait to hear about africa!! miss you! muah!

b said...

If only the Thursday's video could be seen by all.

Unknown said...

thanks guys...and to think I thought no one was reading this!

etc'd said...

i told you that people read your blog besides brian and i ! lol

all i have to say that i got a warm feeling when i realized that you posted today

you write and photograph so well

all the best in africa
good luck with the bobby-g obstacles