
18 April 2010

replica moulin rouge


In the midst of all the craziness that has unfolded in the weeks following the proposal, I've been squeezing in photo gigs whenever possible. After all, I've got a wedding to save for!

While I was doing event photography at a conference here in Montreal, I was amazed to encounter this Moulin Rouge-inspired theatre in the basement of the Marriott hotel. While I waited for guests to arrive, I took a few detail shots to share with you this gorgeous gem.

I was especially ecstatic to stumble upon this as, for the last year, I've been working on a photo project tentatively named "Montreal as," wherein I photograph all the corners of Montreal that, in my imagination, create a feeeling of being elsewhere. I'm fascinated by the way tiny nooks of this city can transport you to places far away. This project is a way of documenting these corners, of travelling vicariously via other peoples' imaginings of foreign places when I am bound to stay in one place, and of battling feelings of homesickness by pretending to see other, more familiar places in my adopted city. Jumbled thoughts? Yes. But also, the beginning of a project I'm really fired up about.

So, today I'll show you my mini simulacra of Paris, here in Montreal.











debra@dustjacket said...

What a totally fabulous space, I'm so pleased you found time to photograph it.

Green Tea said...

Wonderful blog, i recently come to your blog through Google excellent knowledge keep on posting you guys.

Jess said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like its right out of a movie.

lilevil said...

I want the wallpaper. We are doing our bathroom over steampunk and it would be perfect...gorgeous!

I love all of your pictures...your blog has been a lot of fun to read.

Melanie said...

That theatre blows my mind, astounding pics btw! x

forOlivia said...

absolutely stunning..however, it kinda reminds me of The Shining!