
16 August 2005

part I

It seems like a million years ago, but I better start from about 2 weeks ago in order to throw all these pictures up here.

I'm sure you all understand that this blog is pretty much solely devoted to what I do in my spare time. Although I could talk about my internship here, I have a seperate blog for that here, and would prefer to leave it at that. Okay? Okay. So now for some explanation about what I have been doin'!

2 weeks or so ago, I checked out the Sukuma Museum. It is a simple (though overpriced) place where visitors can learn all about the customs and traditions of the Sukuma people. The Sukuma people make up the most dominant and influential tribe in the Mwanza area. Out tour guide showed us around the huts and buildings, spoke about the annual dance competitions and even let us try out the cermonial drums.

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Attempting to play drums at the Sukuma Museum (go ahead and laugh, Brian).

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I promised I would put this pic up for my parents. I was having dinner at Tunza when, to my delight, I received a loooong distance phone call. So there I am, watching the sunset while wishing them a good trip to California.
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This lizard was relaxing in front of one of the huts and didn't mind when I came annoyingly close to check out his scales. Beautiful, eh?

On The 7th of August, we set out to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's biggest city and former capital to check out the national agricultural fair. Unfortunately, upon arriving we discovered that the fair was actuallybeing held in Morogoro, 3 hours west. So we hopped on a bus and headed into the mountainous farming community of Morogoro. The fair was huge! It was packed with people checking out the latest developments in agricultural technology, care of livestock and new products. I bought some soy tea, dried rosella and banana wine. Good stuff. The only downer of this visit was that Jon was pickpocketed and had his cell phone stolen. You can never be too careful here but you never know where the thieves will be either. Hmmmm.

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Fairground at "Nane Nane".

Dar itself was a pretty cool city. It was enormous compared to Mwanza. For example, there were buildings taller than 4 storeys! Also, and to my amazement, there was a Subway restaurant there. It was almost as good at home but they didn't have the special bread. Wow it was amazing though. I've never had such a good sub in my life.

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Candlelit balcony at an Ethiopian restaurant in Dar es Salaam

While admiring the ocean view and breathing in the salty air, I got a little too close to the edge. Out of nowhere a huge wave came up and soaked me from head to toe. The locals (and there were a lot of them around) had a good chuckle at my expense. Dripping wet, I bought a coconut and ate it on the beach while laughing at myself.

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Ocean road in Dar

So yes, Dar was well worth a visit. Besides a few run-ins with horribly mean cab drivers, I found Dar to be a friendly and calm city. I'm going to start a new post now, since Zanzibar deserves its own space... please see above :)

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Silky sky over Lake Victoria

1 comment:

mel said...

Dallas, hey!

It's Melissa Cheater from MIT - just kind of wondering if I could interview you when you get back, for Burkell's research on anonymity and blogging? Sorry random question, your blog is stunning and i'd super love to talk to you about Reporting live from Tanzania and what you think about it as a medium and an accomplishment :)

Safe couple weeks to you!
