
25 October 2005

ignoring the grey skies

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These leaves can tell you about the crazy paradox of fall better than I can.

Fall in Canada is wonderful and heartbreaking. Our surroundings are more vibrant than ever and yet the chilled air starts to creep up your sleeves.

It's every university student's time of year: midterms. The leaves are bright, the air is infused with the season's last barbeque smells and stuck in the library or staring at computer screens.

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"Brutalasaurus wrecksyourface" at the OC cup ball hockey tournement

Halloween is just around the corner...
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swans in stratford

It's time to think about fall cleaning, I think. Yeah, everyone tidies up in the springtime, but fall is the perfect time to clean your mind, your heart and your bedroom. Where does this mess come from?


alex said...

dammit spam.

glad to see the blog up and running again.. it wasn't working for a few days and no-internet-dallas freaked me out.

beautiful pictures. especially of the ball hockey boys. did they win?

halloween starts tomorrow!

syl said...

love that pic of brian with the black and orange bats :P
very cool

b said...

we came in 4th. out of 14 or so. prizes included a snowbrush and a free meal at mcdonalds.

buhlee dat.

terrashmerra said...

wow i love all your pictures. i'm just getting up to speed on all your posts from africa, which make for incredibly good reading by the way.

Unknown said...

brian, can I have that snowbrush? Thanks terra. It's so weird to go through them all now when I am so far's cool though. You're welcome to come over for more african food any time

Erin said...

Hallowe'en is great and so is your blog. You should wander over to mine and see my Haunted House photos. It was a good time.

You better come to Burly over Christmas break!! We will all party, and dance, and then be hungover.

Take care!


ps - i noticed the link to adam's photo blog is's zenintheARTofphotography, not "heart". but meh...he hasn't updated in weeks anyway!!!