
01 May 2006

after the end/before the beginning

Despite the fact that I've been writing papers for months, I feel like my love for "real" writing has been neglected. Therefore, I begin this summer with a firm committment to myself, and to this space, to write again. Privacy is as much an issue as ever, but since many of us are following diverging paths, and yet going through the same things, I feel like I want to be honest and earnest in some kind of chronicling of events.

I feel like for the next while, this will be a period of longing and excitement. I feel just as weird, crazy and yet happy as ever. Last summer I was really apprehensive about the summer ahead, but it turned out to be amazing. I feel like this summer is already getting off to a rapid start (even though I'm still recovering from inhaling a pound of dust while cleaning our old house, and am consequently sick!).

It was tough to pack up and leave--not because I'm hearbroken, or afraid to move on, but because I was damn lucky to be there for 4 years, to have done the things I did, and to have met the people I met. I don't mind moving around, but I do mind saying goodbye to a lot of things.

But first, a cheesy goodbye to my housemates who made house-living so good:

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Gillian P. Edworthy
My first ever roommate: plays pool like a shark, loves dancing in her room to classic rock, runs like the wind, comes up with award-winning metaphors, and is unable to pay attention to anything else when watching tv.

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Jennie "wee" Wilhelm
My musical companion: joined our house in 3rd year, reads her essays aloud in a documentary narrator voice, loves making KD with tuna, has more shoes than me, can sew anything, is brilliant

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Kristina Klopfer
My Italian class buddy-turned housemate: half hungarian princess, half Italian ragazza, so addicted to Starbucks that she visits the baristas at their homes and takes gifts to their kids, exhaustingly hardworking, has a heart of gold

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Adam Giliberto
Floor rep of Peache to house rep of 1077: "snarky" ,organized, efficient, clean, hilarious

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Kieran O'Sullivan
Floormate and housemate: conquered his counterstrike addiction and moved on to online poker, nocturnal, loves the Daily Show, always available for a laugh, a talk, a listening ear, or a night out

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Mike Dewar
Former housemate: energetic, lazy yet motivated, has discovered a new love for tequila and chocolate cake, musical, makes hilarious campaign videos, is off to New Zealand

All of these people have been great to live with, and I will miss them very much. More pics to come soon :)

1 comment:

gillian said...

dal i love it...

haha your descriptions of each of us are hilarious because they are so true...
haha jennie loves tuna in her KD, hahaha, i dont think i will ever meet anyone else with such a strange taste preference,

miss yah and love yah
cheers dude
