
04 January 2007

a year in review & a year in preview

I suddenly felt like a spoiled fool when, after silently lamenting the lack of change in my life, I realized that this year has been so saturated with change that I'm now brattily bored if things don't move for a few days! Good god I have trouble staying still. I have decided it's okay to stop rolling; I can be a sitting stone, and gather moss with my paitience.

I've been steering clear of the computer for some time now, and taking a break from all forms of work. Seeing how school is on the near horizon, it's time to get the old act together.

2006 was, for me, a year of change both wonderful and heartbreaking:

Last moments of student journalism and student theatre at Western. Hours upon hours applying for MA programs. Moving out of the student ghetto, and saying goodbye to my housemates. Graduation, a degree in hand, and the beginnings of another. Canadian travels: Banff and the continental divide in Alberta, a month of french immersion in northern Quebec. International travel: trekking through the UK, Ireland and parts of Western Europe with a certain lad and Amy's backpack. A death in the family, a friend's wedding on the horizon. Moving to Montreal. Moving in with my boyfriend. Falling in love with a city. Making it through first semester with pretty decent marks. Friends scattering across the globe: Washington, Florida, Ghana, Toronto, Tanzania, Ottawa, Japan. And coming home for the holidays...

Almost every aspect of 2006 required a lot of planning. I think I'm going to take a different approach to this year. For the first time in my life, I am consciously deciding not to plan. I'm just going to work, love, take lots of risks and see where I end up.

I went to the hair salon a few days ago, with no plan at all. My stylist up here is a brassy gal with a great imagination, and I gave her free reign with my locks. A lot of chopping, and a pile of hair on the floor later, I now have a voluminous cut called the "starshine halo". It's definitely bold, with layers as long as 10 inches, and as short as 3. It's risky, but I love it, and feel like a new lady.

Here's to the unexpected!

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