
12 June 2011

jasmine star workshop

There are certain moments in life that are pivotal. Decisive and quick, they choose you more often than you choose them, and they leave you changed dramatically, for better or for worse.

Much more powerful and exciting than pivotal moments, in my opinion, are transformative processes. These are the ones to which you opt in and actively participate. You're choosing to make a change, and for some lucky reason, you discover amazing things and people to help you on your way.

About a year and a half ago, I stumbled upon Orange County-based wedding photographer Jasmine Star's blog. After reading a few posts, I found myself captivated not only by her stunning photography, but also by her sparkling, relatable personality that shines through in her writing.

Jasmine is incredibly giving to fellow photographers. She shares her expertise and new ideas through her regular blog in the form of reflection posts, FAQs and videos. I learn so much from her on a regular basis, and was so excited to watch both her Wedding Photography and Building your Wedding Photography Business workshops (available for download) on CreativeLive. Via the magic of the interwebs, Jasmine has become the unofficial mentor of countless aspiring photographers all over the world.

Jasmine's photographic style and approach to her business have inspired me deeply and completely transformed the way I approach photography. She leads by example and I choose, on an ongoing basis, to follow.

When I found out that she would be offering one of her Workshops this spring, and that it happened to serendipitously fall during our honeymoon, when we'd already be in California, I think I got heart palpitations. When I found out I got into the course, I looked at Brian while hyperventilating and he just smiled and said, "do what you have to do." This involved shuffling our existing honeymoon road trip schedule and changing our flights around in order to be able to attend. It was so worth it.

Jasmine wrote about the Workshop and shared her photos from the day on her blog, and--after finally settling back in after our honeymoon-- I've gotten my act together to share my own photos.

We were lucky to have Stacy and Joe Kokes, a husband and wife photography team, as our models for the shoot. Emily from Ferndales Bridal provided the styling and clothing, Vivian Tran of All Made Up took wonderful care of Stacy's makeup, and Heavenly Blooms provided the exquisite bouquet.

It was so cool to meet and shoot alongside 19 other photographers from all over North America. You guys are awesome!

The shoot took place in a beautiful park in Irvine, California in the super bright, afternoon sun. Jasmine wanted to challenge us and with conditions that bright, she was successful! She began by choosing the location, getting Stacy and Joe set up, and then advising us on camera settings.

And just like that, we got started. All 20 of us stood in a tightly packed group, snapping photos like crazed, very happy paparazzi. Everyone was incredibly conscientious, making sure each other photographer had enough room to get his or her shots.

How gorgeous are Stacy and Joe? They were incredibly sweet and very obviously in love.

At the end of the workshop, JD—Jasmine's amazing husband and business partner—snapped this photo of her and me. Jasmine and JD, thank you for a simply wonderful day. You two have such a wonderful effect on everyone who meets you — we are all changed for the better.


Jasmine said...

you are too fab for words! :)

Unknown said...


wedding photography business